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2016 Betas available now
2016 Betas have arrived.
Our first shipment of 2016 Beta trials bikes have arrived with EVO 125s 250s and 300s available for immediate delivery.
Pricing for this year’s bikes is as below and Beta Racing Australia still supply the full size bikes with protective covers to forks, swingarm and frame to look after your valuable new machine.
Beta EVO 300 2T – $9,700
Beta EVO 250 2T – $9,500
Beta EVO 200 2T – $9,100
Beta EVO 125 2T – $8,900
Beta EVO 80 Senior – $5,900
Beta EVO 80 Junior – $5,500
Beta EVO 300 4T – $10,400
Beta EVO 250 4T – $10, 200
Contact your local Beta agent in Tasmania, Ken Hosking at Beta Racing Tasmania.
Email: ken@betaracingtasmania.com.au
Mobile: 0418 122 009
Beta unveils 2016 models
Press release: Beta unveils the 2016 models
Following a great year in the World Trials Championships (3rd in the premier World Pro class, 1st and 3rd in the World Cup class and 1st and 3rd in the 125cc Cup), Italian manufacturer Beta has announced details of the 2016 range of trials motorcycles. The new models incorporate many of the refinements that were introduced in the 2015 Factory models, with engine improvements and suspension refinements. The new models look spectacular in their red, white and black colour scheme and are competitive in the hands of riders of all grades. Beta prides itself on its build quality and this is reflected in the outstanding reliability of these machines.
Australian pricing will be announced soon and the first of the new range are expected to arrive in Australia in November. Orders are being taken now.
More details can be found by following this link: http://www.trialscentral.com/news-archive/trials-bike-news/17423-beta-announce-2016-evo-trials-bikes
The local contact for Beta in Tasmania is Ken Hosking who can be contacted on 0418 122 009 or by email at ken@betaracingtasmania.com.au
Beta Tasmania dealership
Press Release
Ken Hosking is pleased to announce that he has been appointed by Beta Racing Australia as the Tasmanian representative for Beta trials motorcycles. Ken’s business will operate from 3096 Channel Highway Kettering and will trade as Beta Racing Tasmania. A demonstration Beta trials bike will be arriving in Tasmania in July, and will be able to be test ridden at come-and-try days and at other times by calling Ken on 0418 122 009 or by sending an email to kenhosking1@me.com
Brochures and specifications are available online at www.betamotor.com
A stock of commonly used spare parts will be kept in Tasmania and other parts will be able to be delivered within a few days from Beta Racing Australia in Victoria.
The Italian built Betas are well-engineered and durable trials machines. In the 2015 Scottish Six Day Trial, one of the toughest events in the trials world, not one Beta failed to finish because of mechanical or electrical problems. As well as being reliable, Beta trials bikes are extremely competitive, as shown by the results achieved by Jeroni Fajardo in the World and Spanish championships and by the performance of Australian riders such as Tim Coleman in local events.
There is a wide range of trials models available from 80cc to 300cc, and with both two strokes and four strokes being part of the range.
Ken looks forward to engaging with riders who are interested in trying these fine machines.
Changes to the calendar
Please pass this on to everyone who may not have access to the Internet or to Facebook.
We’ve had to make some changes to the calendar, you can see the amendments in bold on the calendar page.
The come and try day on the 10th of May has been moved to the 14th of June.
Melrose has moved from the 17th of May to the 21st of June
Royal George is the next event on the 17th of May. Section setting will be Saturday 9th May in the afternoon.
The Wise Monkey Ride
The dust hasn’t even settled from the fantastic long weekend and the running of the Tasmanian Titles and people are already thinking about getting back on the bike. The next round of the state series is 6 weeks away, so if you’re looking to get a bit of practice in, head off to Tim and Vonette Mead’s place on the 21st of March at Moina.
This ride is, by all accounts, not to be missed and will take you into some fantastic wilderness. Some beds are available, or bring a tent and camp. If you would like to go, contact Tim Mead on 0418 502 224 and bring a casserole or a dessert for the evening meal.
The International is coming!
Each year we put on the Tasmanian Titles. It’s not uncommon to attract riders from the mainland for this event, there’s usually quite a few that take the leisurely boat ride into Devonport then cruise down to Mt Joy. This year, it’s different. Some of you may have heard of Alexz Wigg. Some haven’t. If you haven’t, Google him. If you have, you’ll know he’s a Scottish Six Day winner, World Junior Champion, World Youth Champion, the list goes on. And now, he’s going to take on our loose shale and big rocks.
Seriously, get excited over this, it’ll be great to see someone of his calibre competing down here. If you’re a rider and you want training, check the newsletter for the contact details of Craig and Phil, Alexz will be doing a training day on the Monday following the two day titles.
Get up to Mt Joy, drag your kids, your mother, your uncle, everyone and watch this. If you’re not impressed with the level of competition, I’ll personally refund your spectator entry tee.
Entry is free!
Cleared for take off
Hi, and welcome. Not just to the news blog, but to the entire website. I’ve spent many hours working away on every aspect of this, from bringing the idea to the committee with a rough estimate of costs, to buying a domain name, setting up the hosted space and eventually turning it into a fully fledged site. I’m pretty happy with it, I’m a IT support engineer and not a web developer, they’re very different things, so if you find bugs or think something could be improved, please flick an email to admin@tastrials.org.au and I’ll attempt to fix it up.
This site isn’t intended to take over from the Facebook page, it’s trying to be more of a library. Things get lost on Facebook pretty easily, so if you’ve got the calendar, results, links to pictures and various documentation all in one area, people can (hopefully) find everything very easily. I’ve set up the calendar in Google Calendar so those that want can easily add it directly to their phone or desktop calendar client. With a bit of luck everyone will find it handy and easy to use, the events have the location of the site in them so people can find us without getting lost.
The only thing we don’t have yet is a classifieds page. I didn’t want to put one up with nothing in it, so if you’ve got a bike to sell, email me the details and I’ll create a new page to put it on.
Share the site around, get the word out there and check back often to see what this great little club is up to.